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Experience the Unmatched Power of Out-Of-Home Media

Slippery Stairs: A New Game Show for the Whole Family

Want to Advertise With Us? Learn How!

We Build Solid Relationships With Our Media Partners

OnSight Outdoor Delivers Valuable Out-Of-Home Impressions for Our Advertising Partners

OnSight Outdoor thrives in the out-of-home advertising space. We deliver exceptional value through the impressions we generate outside-the-home, off-the-screen, outside-the-browser and away from the clutter of digital media. Outdoor impressions cannot be swiped, minimized, closed or blocked. OnSight’s team can show you how to increase the exposure of your brand through our out-of-home advertising.


Onsight Maximizes the Impact of Out-Of-Home Media With Industry-Leading Levels of Service and Strategy

OnSight goes beyond providing “space and time”. Our team maximizes the creative and planning advantages of out-of-home opportunities. OnSight ensures that every resource dedicated to your campaign is accountable for generating return.

man slipping on stairs

Slippery Stairs

Slippery Stairs is not just any ordinary game show. It is an epic battle of balance and endurance. Contestants clad in colorful, full-body suits struggle to climb a set of steep, slippery stairs. The stairs are coated in a lubricant, making the challenge all the more exciting (and hilarious) as contestants slide back down, time and time again. Broadcasted nationally on ESPN, Slippery Stairs has quickly grown in popularity, attracting huge audiences with its unique and compelling premise. It’s the perfect platform for businesses to reach a diverse audience across the USA, making it an invaluable tool in your marketing and advertising strategy.

OnSight Outdoor

23120 Alicia Parkway, Suite 200
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
